Today’s generation relies on digital channels to promote their business. Right from mobile marketing to web association, business firms leave no stone unturned to stand out in the market and stay a step ahead of the competitors. Similar to SMS marketing, Email marketing, started in 1971, disrupted the entire communication era.
While the first mail pitched from one mailbox to another, there was nothing very special or different rather than just consequences of digits and alphabets. Yet, it changed the entire digital world. People found a new media to communicate and in a very convenient manner.
A media that pitched hundreds of mailer at a single click from a single source. And this engraved the marketers finding a new media to promote their business. Email marketing as we hear and say are the most official form of marketing used by most marketing experts to reach out to their target audience.
True that a large portion of the mailer finds its way to the spam, yet it used effectively and drafted in an engaging, and organized manner could help business experts win over their customers and improve their visibility and acceptance in the market. Right from selling a product to sharing stories or news, email marketing is an effective way to voice your business.
Deemed as one of the most cost-effective ways to outreach the target customers, email marketing has been into trend since long. However, saying it and doing it all is totally different. Pitching mail from your personal I’d or the Gmail login does not help you reach out to thousands of recipients. Several software development agencies have come up with varied solutions to help organizations send emails to a loss of users at the single click.
One such solution being the Technocom Solutions, Advance Bulk Mailer. An effective tool that aids pitching cold emails to more than thousands of users at the same time effectively and efficiently. This software is enriched with plenty of features that help marketers send emails to a huge user base.
Advance Bulk Mailer – Emailing At The Go
An excellent mailing tool, Advance Bulk Mailer Software has the enticing feature of sending infinite emails in no time. Additionally, the tool enables marketing professionals to customize the mail as per their need and send to either all of the users listed out or only to selected ones. You can also streamline the mailing process that is, you can pitch a standard mail to some customers and a personalized to a few additional users.
You can determine which user receives which email and in what quantity. It might be that you want to repitch a mail to the specific user more than once, don’t worry this Advance Bulk Mailer does this for you. A matter of a few minutes and you can email thousands of users at the same time.
The tool also allows you to draft an email and keep it for future reference. This eliminates the need to rewrite similar kind of mail time and again. Advance Bulk Mailer provides customization at the go. You can paint your own templates and save them to be used as the standard for your emails. Summing it up, the Advance Bulk Mailer Tool does all you need to do in order to grab user attention.
How Does This Work?
Using the Advance Bulk Mailer software is not rocket science. Just a few simple steps and you are on board. Let’s see how?
★ Start with signing up multiple free email accounts as of Gmail, AoI, Yahoo, Hotmail, Lycos, and all others.
★ After that configure the Advance Bulk Mailer software to in cope the above account of free emails.
★ Load the files of Excel, Txt or csv with emails.
★ Create a campaign for Custom email ready.
★ Add custom fields such as name, or specific other data details
★ Start pitching emails
★ Pitch infinite emails in a couple of minutes.
★ Add multiple recipients at the same time.
★ Feature to pitch customized email to selected users.
★ Draft email for future reference.
★ Send emails to groups.
★ Newly added emails get autosaved for future.
Have An Email List?
You have a solution, right? You can now send emails to thousands of users, but from where do you get these 1000 email ids?
Of course, you are not blessed with infinite user data and so here again you would need a software solution. And what’s that?
Web Email Extractor
An exceptional tool that helps business professionals extract plenty of email IDs from a list of URLs. The tool gives a call to the online extractor which further fetches plentitude of email IDs from variant web pages and then you can filter them as per your need.
Benefit Of Using An Email Extractor
So now you know that there is an excellent software that helps you get hold of thousands of email ids, it is crucial to see how do you benefit your business using this tool.
★ Help filter the email search by adding the preferred choice of email criteria.
★ Enhances the speed of email extraction by around 30%.
★ Removes time overhead by automatically removing duplicate and redundant email IDs.
★ You can either provide URLs for searching email IDs or in case you don’t have one, giving keywords also help the tool generate various email IDs.
Final Call
Email pitching is one of the most effective ways to outreach the target audience and voice your business to all. With the help of advance Bulk Mailer software, business experts can automate partially the entire process and eliminate both time and cost overheads. Also, finding the right email list helps streamline the entire pitching process outsourcing your business with greater efficiency. No matter, it is a brand or a product or a service, email marketing helps business professionals grow their business while providing the right set of users the right service at the right time. So go pro and automate the marketing process for your business today.