Android Bulk SMS Sender

Android Bulk SMS Sender (10 Phone Support)

Product Code: TCS-DC1001

Supported Android Version: Android 8 to Android 13

Main Features

  • Android Bulk SMS Sender sends SMS to multiple phone numbers from PC via Android Phones.
  • "Android & Desktop SMS Sender Modem App" is required to Connect Android Phone to PC
  • Compatible with All Android Mobiles.
$120 $108

Special Offer



Android Bulk SMS Sender is an advanced bulk SMS sending tool to send SMS in bulk from Ten Android phones via your computer at once. You can send Thousands of SMS from your PC through connected Android Phones just by installing 'Android & Desktop SMS Sender Modem App' on your phone and Android Bulk SMS Sender on PC.Android Bulk SMS Sender acts as an advanced SMS marketing tool with help of which you can expand your business and reach new heights. You can send Personalized message to all the contacts with the help of advanced features provided within the software. For the purpose of analysis,android sms sender also keeps a Log file for Sent and Failed SMS with number, corresponding message and Date of SMS sent.This SMS sending software only requires you to have the SIM in your phone and No data connection is required for its working.Android Bulk SMS Sender supports Multi Lingual SMS so that you can send SMS in French, Italian, Japanese, Arabic, Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, German and many Others.

Android Bulk SMS Sender is the answer to your question "How to send SMS in bulk?". For sending SMS in bulk, you can import the contact list from the excel sheets or text fileson your computer or you can also enter the contacts manually. Android Bulk SMS Sender allows you to send INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONAL SMS in BULK with the feature of adding country code as Prefix to Mobile numbers.Android Bulk SMS Sender sends SMS to All DND/NON-DND Mobile Numbers in bulk. Android SMS sender also allows you to customize SMS with many fields such as Mobile Number, Name etc. It allows you to select mobile number out of all connected mobile phones through which you want to send SMS from PC. This Advanced Android Bulk SMS Sender includes many features such as delay in SMS, duplicate contacts removal etc.Android Bulk SMS Sender sendsSMS from PC torecipient’s mobiles in bulk.You can send SMS to any number of recipientswithout any limitation or restriction from the tool.This SMS sending software sends SMS to individuals or list of phone numbers just in one click. Android Bulk SMS Sender is operable on both Windows 7 andWindows 10. It has a user friendly interface and requires only basic computer knowledge.

Key Features

  • Android Bulk SMS Sender sends SMS to multiple phone numbers from PC using Android Phones.
  • Attach Ten Android Phones to send SMS.
  • Import Mobile numbers from files on your hard-drive.
  • Compatible with All Android Mobiles.
  • You can send SMSs from All Connected phones at the same time.
  • Includes Delayed Delivery Option for SMS.
  • No internet connection is required to send SMS.
  • Supports Multi Lingual SMS so that you can send SMS in Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Arabic. and Many Others

How It Works

How it works :

  • Ensure "Android & Desktop SMS Sender Modem App" is installed on Mobiles and your mobiles have SMS pack or enough balance to send SMS.
  • Connect your Android Phone With Local Network Using WiFi
  • Open 'Android & Desktop SMS Sender Modem' App and Start Server
  • An IP Will be Generated in 'Android & Desktop SMS Sender Modem App' for Connection
  • Start Android Bulk SMS Sender.
  • Click 'Add Android Phones' Button
  • Enter IP Address Displayed in Android & Desktop SMS Sender Modem App
  • Click on 'Add' Button
  • The Android Phone Will be Connected to your System
  • Add or Import Mobile Numbers of recipients.
  • Type SMS text and apply it to the recipient numbers.
  • You can also send unique PERSONALIZED SMS for each recipients using Excel Data.

System Requirements:

  • Windows 10, Windows 7
  • .Net Framework v4.5.2 Required For Windows 7
  • 'Android & Desktop SMS Sender Modem App' and Android Bulk SMS Sender Windows Application must be on the same Local Network

Video Tutorial


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